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Living With Tinnitus

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is an awareness of sound in the ear or head which is not from an external sources. Ringing the sound in your ear but other person don't hear these sound. when these situation occur called Tinnitus. This is not a diseases, it is the problem of hearing health problem. They can affect anyone of any age. Tinnitus caused by infections or blockages in the ear, and the tinnitus can disappear once the underlying cause is treated

There are two types: subjective and objective tinnitus.
  • Subjective: This can be heard by the patient only. it is by far the most common type of tinnitus.
  • Objective:  This can be heard by somebody examining the patient and is uncommon. It can be caused by a variety of physical effects such as spasm of the tiny muscles in the inner ear abnormalities in the blood vessels around the ear, increased blood flow to the ear or anatomical abnormalities of the blood vessels.

Can you treat tinnitus?

Yes, with our professional and experts tinnitus can be treated.you can treat tinnitus. It is not a serious problem you don't think about that because of its the sign of a bigger problem.so immediately make an appointment with a hearing care expert and be ready for the discussion about your hearing health in detailed, start the treatment of tinnitus.The audiologist will identify the cause of this problem and treat it.And recommend the best solution then you get the relief and recover the quality of hearing.

Can tinnitus be prevented?

Yes Off course, Prevention is the most important for hearing health.
  • Avoiding loud noises and sounds and wearing earplugs and earmuffs to protect your ears from
    loud enviroments/occupations are the most effective ways to prevent tinnitus.
  • Don't take medicine without prescribe by the doctor.
  • Do regular exercise  eating right and taking other steps to keep your blood vessels healthy
  • listen the music at low volume i.e  Adjust the volume setting according their hearing capacity.

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